New York City

Twenty-something in New York City

Twenty-something in New York City Three days, four nights in New York City. It’s time to make summer a good one. Picture it, early 20s, having an identity crisis, and in desperate need of an adventure. Where does a girl got to go? The Big Apple. Thursday to Sunday-I planned a little getaway, packed full […]

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One Fun Day In LA

One Fun Day In LA

There’s so much to do in Los Angeles. It’s hard to know where to start. What vibes are you going for? Party? Touristy? Outdoorsy? I am gonna run you through my one fun day in LA. My boyfriend Andrew finally had a day off of work and we wanted to do something fun! What To […]

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NYC skyline

New York City – My 3 Day Itinerary

My 3 Day Itinerary in NYC HELLO New YORK!  New York City is one of my favorite cities- the vibe being unmatched. It had been four (4) whole years since I went last, and I finally got the opportunity to go again for a weekend this June (and this time over 21, so the experience […]

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New Years in Sydney, Australia – The Best Way To Celebrate

New Years in Sydney, Australia – The Best Way To Celebrate

The Best Way to Celebrate New Years Sydney, Australia is known to have the BEST fireworks, and to be the best place to celebrate. Hands down they have the best New Years show. Fireworks shoot out from so many different places at the Harbor. The opera house, the bridge, nearby buildings, and, well, if there’s […]

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Jessica Penthouse

The Ultimate Miami Beach Guide

The Ultimate Miami Beach Guide The Mother of all Miami Beach Guide articles. I did all the research for you, I found all the best spots. Forget all the other articles of “Top 10 Restaurants in Miami Beach” or others of the like. There’s usually only like, one good restaurant worth seeing in those articles. […]

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The 3 Coolest Bars I Partied At In London

The 3 Coolest Bars I Partied At In London

London has the best nightlife. The best clubs, the best bars, each unique and different from the other. Coming from Hollywood where we have our own amazing nightlife, I really cannot compare it to anything I’ve been to in London. During my time there, these were the 3 coolest bars in London. Ballie Ballerson – […]

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